Sharon Hamric Weis

Sally Thomas, BS

Teaches: Poetry

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About Sally Thomas

Sally Thomas is a poet, essayist, and fiction writer who holds a BS in English and secondary education from Vanderbilt University. She has completed extensive graduate work in literature and creative writing, and her teaching background includes experience in both the high school and the college classroom, where she has taught literature, composition, and creative writing.


About Sally Thomas

Over the last two decades, Mrs. Thomas’s writing has appeared widely in publications large and small, including  The New Yorker, First Things, Lay Witness, Verily, the Catholic literary journal  Dappled Things, and the homeschooling magazine  Mater et Magistra. Her debut poetry collection,  Brief Light: Sonnets and Other Small Poemsappeared in 2012 and her new poetry chapbook is  Fallen Water.

A convert to Catholicism from the Anglican tradition, Mrs. Thomas serves her small rural parish as First Communion catechist and chorister. She is a homeschooling mother of four and living and writing in North Carolina. 

"My favorite class"

Student: “This is my favorite class and you are by far my best teacher.”

Sharon Hamric Weis

Next: Michael Toohey

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