Sharon Hamric Weis

Ed Rivet, MPA

Teaches: Government

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About Ed Rivet

Ed Rivet earned a BS in Pre-Law and Public Policy and a Master’s in Public Administration from Michigan State University. He served three years as a legislative aide in the Michigan House of Representatives and 30 years as the Right to Life of Michigan’s Legislative Director.

Sharon Hamric Weis

Ricardo Rodriguez, PhD


Testimonials from Students

"Really helpful for preparing me for college"

Student“Thank you for your courses! They were really helpful for preparing me for college!”

"He really inspired me"

Student: “I was quite apathetic when it came to government and after I had taken the class, he really inspired me to try and do better.”

"A needed break from thick, boring textbooks'

Parent: “I would also like to thank all those involved in making the government course possible for doing so. It was a needed break from thick, boring textbooks.”

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