Joseph Pearce
Teaches: Literature
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Testimonials from Students & Parents
"Mr. Pearce explained the books so well"
Student: “Mr. Pearce explained the books so well! I thought I had done a lot of research on [Lord of the Rings], but I realized how much more there was to learn!”
"An awesome way for me to further understand J.R.R. Tolkein's 'The Hobbit'"
Student: “This was an awesome way for me to further understand J. R. R. Tolkein’s The Hobbit. I feel like I now know all of his double meanings and easter eggs. I would definitely recommend this course to any kid (or adult!) who is interested in The Hobbit, or The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.”
"Learning more about the books helped me appreciate them even more"
Student: “I already had a great love for The Chronicles of Narnia, but in learning more about the books helped me appreciate them even more!”
"Your classes are the things I miss most about high school"
Student: “I have deeply missed taking your Homeschool Connections classes. In fact, I’d say that your classes are the things I miss most about high school. All that I have learned from them has already been helping me in college at the Catholic University of America, especially the class on The Lord of the Rings. One of the papers I had to write in philosophy involved taking a fictional character and applying Aristotle’s six states of character to this person. Without a shadow of a doubt, I picked Frodo Baggins focusing on his character in The Return of the King. I got an excellent grade on the paper, and my professor recommended I submit it for consideration to a philosophical journal the university publishes. It is entirely thanks to you that I understand Frodo’s character so well. I cannot express my gratitude enough, so I can merely say thank you for all that you taught me. I hope that you have a very happy new year!”
~ Annaliese, Homeschool Connections graduate
"A very eye-opening experience!"
Student: “This class really helped me to understand the play in its fullness. It was a very eye-opening experience!”
"I love how he explained the story
Student: “I love how he explained the story and the parallels that I would never have seen “
"My son - who HATES poetry - enjoyed the Joseph Pearce poetry class"
Parent: “My son – who HATES poetry – enjoyed the Joseph Pearce poetry class. I think it helped that it was history + poetry!”
"An awesome instructor"
Student: “Professor Pearce is an awesome instructor and I really did learn a lot!!”
"He makes his lectures interesting and easy to understand"
Student: “I really like the way Professor Pearce teaches. He leaves all the questions for the end so that the lecture doesn’t go off topic. Also he makes his lectures interesting and easy to understand! “
"Helped me to understand the background information"
Student: “The class was great! Prof. Pearce’s explanations helped me to understand the background information in Chesterton’s work, the events that prompted him to write “The Everlasting Man”, and the reasons why he used certain arguments.”
"An outstanding instructor"
Parent: “Professor Pearce is an outstanding instructor. He helped my 5th grade son to see that there is much more to the story of The Hobbit than just the literal tale.”