Julian Ahlquist

Julian Ahlquist, BA

Teaches: Psychology

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About Julian Ahlquist

Mr. Ahlquist is a founding faculty member of Chesterton Academy and played a major role in developing the school’s curriculum in the areas of philosophy, theology, history, literature, and psychology (which has been used as a template for the curriculum of subsequent other schools). He graduated magna cum laude from Christendom College with a double major in Philosophy and Theology. In addition to having been in many theatrical productions and independent films, he has taken part in dramatic productions on EWTN, including G.K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense and The Quest for Shakespeare. He has also worked as a personal assistant and film editor to Ronald Maxwell (Director of the Hollywood films Gettysburg and Gods and Generals). As a side-project, he also manages www.thomism.org (a website dedicated to the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas).

Next: Tatiana Amorella

Theater Arts

"This course was amazing."

Student“I’ve developed such a love for psychology since taking this and have continued further in research and interest!”  

"Getting through this class was a breeze, yet I was left feeling accomplished and knowledgeable."

Student: “There was a lot of information but I never felt overwhelmed and I enjoyed all of it.  Overall it was a wonderful class and I liked having Mr. Ahlquist as a teacher!

“I was very excited to take this class and am thankful you offer it! I’m thrilled to continue onto Modern Psychology and hope Mr. Ahlquist offers even more.” 

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