Feb 21, 2022 | Classical Education, High School, Philosophy
What is philosophy exactly, and why should our students learn it? The study of philosophy not only teaches particular truths about life and the human person, but it inculcates students with a disposition of truth-seeking. The reflective person is not only one who knows, but who knows why and how they know.
Jan 21, 2022 | Courses Online, FAQ, Homeschool Connections Parent Handbook, How to Start Homeschooling
Homeschool Connections offers live, interactive online classes in all subject areas for upper-grade school, middle school, and high school. Live classes have many benefits: they free up your time by having an expert step in and carry some of the load, build accountability in your children, and make homeschooling easier by providing courses that are regularly scheduled.
Jan 17, 2022 | FAQ, Homeschool Connections Parent Handbook, How to Start Homeschooling, Unlimited Access
These tips on how to homeschool online will help you experience the benefits of recorded courses and to stay on task!
Jan 10, 2022 | How to Start Homeschooling, Top Ten Lists
Like any adventure, it is the little things that make homeschooling successful. A puzzle is assembled of small pieces; the longest hike is made up of thousands of individual steps. Similarly, our homeschooling journey becomes easier when we keep our eyes on the individual steps in front of us.
Sep 17, 2021 | Consulting / Coaching, Planning, Record Keeping
How do you get structure if you assemble your own curriculum? It doesn’t happen by magic. You have to make it yourself. I couldn’t do it without my trusty daily planner.