
Grade School

Get fun, affordable learning for your 3rd-6th grader…

Our aim is to be foundational and fun, a help for parents who want to foster a love of learning (and a love of God!) through their child’s natural curiosity and enjoyment of play.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as you teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, and as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” (Col. 3:16)

How can we help you in your Catholic homeschool?

Join us to hear more about our mix-and-match classical classes for grade school!

What is different this year?


A new set of smaller courses that can be combined into unit studies or taken separately


A new range of subjects, including math, catechism, science, and writing


Increased staff of excellent Catholic teachers


Additional free resources, including lesson plans utilizing HSC recorded classes


Even more support for your Catholic homeschool!

Catholic homeschooling for the whole family! Learn together, pray together!

In HSC Grade School classes, you get:


Engaging LIVE Classes

Interact with a professional instructor and other students


Courses across Many Subject Areas

Including History, Science, Latin, Literature, Art, Saint Studies, Poetry, and more


Quality Recorded Classes

Enjoy a growing library of recorded courses to supplement live learning


Parent and Students – Working Together

Keep highly involved in your child’s learning, with hands-on activities, read-alouds, literature, and memorable projects learned together


Get regular assignments due at certain times, with detailed feedback from the instructor and enjoy our free resources, lesson plans, and more

Grade School Courses Frequently Asked Questions


What subjects do you offer?

The courses now on offer for grade school come in a variety of sizes, some function as unit studies covering several subjects together (like our Story of Mary or Music courses) while others remain single subject (like Latin).

The Aquinas Writing Advantage (AWA) program that so many of your older students enjoy in their middle or high school courses is also expanding to offer writing for grades 3-6!

In addition, we are introducing a new Mathematics Enhancement Programme (MEP) math series that will provide a spiral-method math program for your grade school student.

Browse our catalog to see what courses are available in LIVE and recorded formats!

Which students do you serve?

Our grade school classes are designed for students in 3rd-6th grade.

Make sure to check the details on each course when enrolling your student to make sure they have completed the prerequisites.

Where do I get the learning materials?

A booklist is provided in the course description found in the registration system. 

In the program, you’ll get lesson plans, checklists, and other materials for a four-day course of study. It’s recommended that your student use the fifth day to enjoy group activities, field trips, sports, or any other outside activity with high hands-on family engagement.

Your course materials and instructions are housed in a Learning Management System (LMS) called Moodle. In Moodle, you’ll find…

  • A weekly checklist of activities and assignments
  • A suggested daily schedule (for the four-day school week)
  • A weekly assignment submission portal 
  • Multiple quizzes per week that are auto-graded in the system (with unlimited use)


How much time does my child spend in front of a screen?

It’s estimated that each week, each child in your family spends very little time in front of the screen: less than an hour and 15 minutes, total. On-screen time includes attending class together (30 minutes), quizzes, and the time needed for downloading necessary documents (often a parent activity).

For my child to succeed, how much am I, the parent, involved?

Here, it’s all about family learning—so we recommend that parents read texts along with the student(s). Each week, reading assignments vary between 1 to 6 chapters across all subjects, and the average reading time is 60 to 90 minutes total. Some families choose to have older children read aloud to the younger ones. Other families use audiobooks. And some families use a mixture of reading and listening—whatever works for your family!

Supervision of Projects
Beyond weekly reading, your student will enjoy activities with parent supervision and direction, including hands-on art projects, creative writing, science experiments, and the retelling of readings. Families who have enjoyed this program say that they usually spend an additional two (2) to five (5) hours on projects and writing.

Here the parent is the primary teacher—so you can use all of the assignments or choose the assignments that are right for you. Parent-graded activities are clearly marked and suggested, and course grading is recorded as “completion only.” If a parent opts for a student to not complete an assignment or quiz, the not-completed assignment is not figured into the student’s grade.

What type of assignments will my student submit each week?

Each week, students take auto-graded quizzes on the readings to check for understanding. These quizzes are set up for unlimited use, and multiple students from one family can take the quizzes (multiple times, if needed).

Students also may submit one assignment each week for teacher feedback. The assignment type varies between project work, writing assignments, and art.


My student is an avid reader. Can I include more literature than what is here?

Yes! In this program, you’ll also get an “extended solo reading list” that includes many extra readings and suggestions for complementary titles (that fit the learning).

And if your 5th or 6th graders want more literature, they can join in with the Homeschool Connections series, Living History through Literature, taught by Mrs. de Laveaga (the Director of the Grade School Program). Two LIVE, 6-week courses are available for you each semester—and there are over sixteen (6-week) additional Living History through Literature courses in Unlimited Access recordings!

What happens after I sign up (register) for a LIVE course?

After you sign up, you’ll get a confirmation email that you’re in! We’ll set up your account in Moodle (the Learning Management System where you’ll access the course), and you’ll get a welcome email before the first day. Parents also attend a Parent Meeting (the first class is parents-only).

I have a few more questions. Is there anything else that I can watch, to get more?

Ready to sign up for class?

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