
This is our catalog of courses. We will occasionally adjust the course listing to reflect the addition of new courses and the retirement of others. 

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The Catholic View of Salvation

“Are you saved?” If you have not yet been asked this question by a Protestant friend, you will be in the future. How should Catholics respond? What exactly is the difference between what Catholics and Protestants believe about salvation? Do works matter? What does it mean to be justified? How am I supposed to understand all the technical details of salvation and why do I need to anyway?! If any of these questions have ever crossed your mind, if you have ever struggled to explain what you believe about salvation, or if you have no idea why all of this matters, this is the course for you! Our eternal life is staked on the Catholic view of salvation, so we will dive in and make it accessible to learn, and to teach others.

Total classes: 14

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 9th – 12th grade

Suggested credit: One (or 1.5) Semester of Theology

Special notes: Honors option is available on request. This course begins before Labor Day.


This course aims to make the Catholic view of salvation accessible to students so that they can not only understand it well, but also be able to use their knowledge to defend their faith as well as evangelize. We will begin by looking at the circumstances surrounding Martin Luther’s break with the Catholic Church, and the Church’s response. From there we will break down the Catholic view of what it means to be saved, using Saint Paul as one of our main sources. We will look especially at terms that many of us use, but maybe cannot explain well, such as: justification, righteousness, and sin. We will then look at how God views sin, what Baptism actually does, and what it means to “participate in Christ.” The goal of this class is to remove our blinders, and fully understand the how and why of eternal life.


Class 1: The Split – Martin Luther and the Protestant Revolt

Class 2: What Does Paul Actually Say?

Class 3: Divine Contention

Class 4: The Contention Against Sin

Class 5: The Righteousness of God

Class 6: Faith and Righteousness

Class 7: Baptism and Participation in Christ

Class 8: Baptism and Justification

Class 9: The Law and the Works of the Law

Class 10: The Law, Sin, and Christ

Class 11: Life in Christ – Justification and Endurance

Class 12: Grace and Works

Class 13: The Council of Trent

Class 14: Recap and Application

Materials and Homework

Materials: All materials will be provided by the instructor

Homework: Homework for this class will be 30 minutes to an hour per week. It will consist of various smaller writing assignments, a few quizzes, and a final paper.

Important Dates

Class dates: Thursdays, August 29 to December 12, 2024. (No class Oct. 17 & Nov. 28)

Starting time: 4:00 PM Eastern (3:00 PM Central; 2:00 PM Mountain; 1:00 PM Pacific)

Duration: 55 minutes

Choose from courses in all subject areas for your upper grade school, middle school, and high school student—taught by worldwide experts in Catholic education.
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