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Foreign Language | German
German II, Part One

Advance your German skills with this higher-level course that will focus on grammar and conversation. Continue growing your confidence in the most widely spoken mother language in the European Union!

Total classes: 14

Prerequisite: German I

Suggested grade level: 10th-12th grade and those with German I experience

Suggested credit: One full semester of German language or foreign language


This fifteen-week course will continue the progress of students who have already had a year of German by adding to their knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and culture. The course will feature pronunciation practice, conversation, new grammar concepts, and cultural trivia with an emphasis on reading comprehension this year. Students will complete regular homework, quizzes, chapter tests, dictations, and project work during the semester. We will use everything from nursery rhymes, songs, and proverbs to commercials and cartoons to aid the acquisition of this modern and living European language.


Class 1: Review vocabulary, noun cases

Class 2: Review verb conjugations/Intro to modal verbs

Class 3: Two-way prepositions

Class 4: Two-way prepositions, continued

Class 5: Separable prefix verbs

Class 6: Review, first exam

Class 7: The genitive case

Class 8: Der-words

Class 9: Adjective endings

Class 10: More adjective endings and second exam

Class 11: Questions and commands

Class 12: The present perfect tense

Class 13: Present perfect, continued

Class 14: Review, third exam.

Materials and Homework

Materials: German Grammar Drills, Fourth edition, by Ed Swick, ISBN 1264286104; Two Klett readers from the Stadt, Land, Fluss series- Blinder Passagier (ISBN 9783125570054) and Spannende Tour im Schwarzwald by Andrea Maria Wagner (ISBN 3125569990) from International Book Service. Also check bookfinder.com for used copies

Homework: Learning a foreign language requires regular practice. Ideally, at least half an hour per day should be spent on German, i.e., completing grammar drills assigned, memorizing vocabulary, reading for comprehension, taking quizzes, listening to online German news broadcasts, and generally becoming familiar with the language.

Important Dates

Class dates: Thursday, September 5 to December 12,, 2024 (No class Nov 28)

Starting time: 4:00 PM Eastern (3:00 Central, 2:00 Mountain, 1:00 Pacific)

Duration: 60 minutes

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