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Sep 16, 2024

25 Homeschool Field Trips Ideas: The Ultimate Guide

Homeschool field trips don’t have to be limited to the usual places. Whether it's learning about local history at a courthouse, exploring behind the scenes at a bakery, or discovering how a water treatment plant works, the possibilities are endless.
More Recent Posts
Aug 25, 2010

Advantages of Online Education

With the first day of school just around the corner, I thought I’d share this top-10 list with you. Well, except it’s really a top-12. Advantages of taking live, interactive, online classes: No driving; saving time and gas No need to pack lunch. You can stay in your pajamas. Parents can attend classes alongside you. […]
Aug 05, 2010

Preparing a High School Transcript

Simple steps to prepare your homeschooled teen's transcript.
Jun 25, 2010

Historiography Reading List for High School

The Historiography summer course went great. The students loved Mr. Campbell and the course. So much so, they asked for an additional reading list.
May 24, 2010

Seven Reasons to Learn Latin in Your Catholic Homeschool

Why is Latin important to learn in school? Here is a Top-7 list to help you discern if you'd like to add Latin to your studies.
May 12, 2010

Foreign Language and SAT Scores

Are high test scores our end-all goal in homeschooling?
Apr 20, 2010

New Epic Fantasy for Young Adults

Phillip Campbell's new novel, Tale of Maneath, has been receiving rave reviews all over the Internet.
Jan 26, 2010

March for Life Connections

At Homeschool Connections we're all about making connections. Recently, we made one we didn't expect. One that involved two students and the March for Life.
Jan 22, 2010

Catholic Homeschooling: Chesterton Classes and Free Books

If you'd like to read Chesterton online for free too, here are some links for you. And if you'd like to enhance that reading, Homeschool Connections offers affordable online high school courses on many of Chesterton's books.
Dec 18, 2009

Mom Testimonial: Catholic Homeschool Connections

I hope that all of you organizing and running these Homeschool Connections online classes realize what an absolutely wonderful service you have provided participating families.
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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Homeschooling can seem daunting at first, but take it from us: The joy and freedom you gain from homeschooling far outweighs the challenges.

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