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Sep 17, 2024

Letters of Recommendation for Homeschoolers

Asking for letters of recommendation can seem like a big deal, but incorporating these tips can make it an easy experience!
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Dec 18, 2009

Mom Testimonial: Catholic Homeschool Connections

I hope that all of you organizing and running these Homeschool Connections online classes realize what an absolutely wonderful service you have provided participating families.
Dec 14, 2009

Economics Reading List: Homeschool High School

This is a supplemental reading list to accompany Homeschool Connections’ online Economics courses. You could choose 2 to 3 books (depending on their length and difficulty) and write a report for your parent in order to supplement your course and earn an honor’s credit. Basic Economics: A Citizen’s Guide to the Economy by Thomas Sowell […]
Nov 20, 2009

American Government Reading List

This American government booklist includes everything from classic pieces like The Federalist and Common Sense to modern studies of power and government.
Jul 23, 2009

Online Classes: Advantages

What are the advantages of Catholic homeschooling online? Here are just a few...
May 28, 2009

Keeping Teens Tuned In

Lisa Hendey wrote a lovely piece about the Homeschool Connections summer courses over at Faith and Family Live.
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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