phillip campbell medieval history webinar

Phillip Campbell Webinar: Medieval Cosmology

If you are teaching/learning medieval history this year, you might want to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to enrich your history education.

I have an upcoming online historical presentation entitled “The Medieval Universe.” We will discuss how medieval Christians viewed the physical universe, why the Ptolemaic system was so compelling, and how developments in math and astronomy challenged the Ptolemaic system towards the end of the Middle Ages. If you can’t make the LIVE event, it will be recorded for later viewing.

Here are all the important details…

What will the webinar cover?

This webinar will be on the subject of the medieval universe—in other words, how medieval Christians conceived of the physical structure of the cosmos and the world’s place within it. This will include several topics:

  • The ancient view of the universe (the Ptolemaic model) and why people believed it
  • Theological considerations (how did God and the angels fit into this conception?)
  • Misconceptions about pre-modern views of the world
  • How advancements in math and astronomy led people to question the Ptolemaic system
  • Vestiges of the Ptolemaic system today

Because this webinar focuses on the medieval view of the heavens, we will not be delving too much into Copernicus or the heliocentric revolution, although we will touch on it incidentally.

This session will pair very well with anyone who is studying medieval history, medieval science, historical apologetics, or anyone is just interested is cosmology and astronomy!

When is the webinar?

“The Medieval Universe” webinar will be on Thursday, October 12, 8:00 PM EST (7:00 CST, 6:00 MT, 5:00 PST). It is scheduled to last an hour,  but because I am Mr. Campbell, the webinar will likely go over the allotted one hour, so I’d say plan for at least an hour and twenty minutes with questions.

Who can attend?

Anyone can attend. You do not need to be registered with Homeschool Connections; it is open to anybody! The lecture’s content is meant for adults, but children are welcome to sit in as well—although honestly, this will likely be over the heads of elementary-age children, so I’d say 7th grade and up is ideal.

What is the cost?

The registration fee is $25 per family.


The webinar will be held via Zoom. Registrants will be emailed the Zoom link the day before the presentation.How can I register?

There are two ways to register, by PayPal and by Zelle:(1) To register by PayPal click here (make sure you have an email associated with your PayPal account so I can email the Zoom link to you. If you don’t, please leave your name and email in the comments when you register).

(2) To register by Zelle: 517 404 1982 (if you pay by Zelle, please text your name and email as well)You will receive an email confirmation after you register.

I am interested but I may not be able to make the session. Will it be recorded?

Yes! The presentation will be recorded and all registrants will be emailed a link the day after at which they can view the recording.

What if I have further questions?

Feel free to reach out to me directly at phicampiii[at]gmail.com with any inquiries. I hope to see you all there!

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