Antidotes for Male Teenage Sloth
5 tips to help you raise your boys to be men of character…
5 tips to help you raise your boys to be men of character…
The concept of “homework” might seem a little redundant if you are a home educator. After all, if you are doing school at home, then by definition all school work is “homework.”
Here are a plethora of short courses from 4 to 6 weeks that are ideal for closing out the school year strong.
These tips should give you a firm foundation in time management. As a homeschool family, you really don’t have an option here: you must master time management to do home education successfully.
Resting and leisure are important parts of education, so we do not suggest you plow through the summer months without any sort of let up. If you do homeschool during the summer, I recommend homeschooling “light.”