back to school homeschool supplies

Feeling Left Out of Back-to-School Fun?

Going back to school is a big deal in the public school world. You can always tell when back-to-school time is drawing nigh by the inundation of school supply displays in stores. Children beg their parents to take them shopping to update their wardrobes so they don’t look lame in front of their peers wearing last year’s fashion. Families cram in one last summer outing in the final weeks of August to enjoy those last fleeting days of summer before the kids return to spending seven hours daily in a school building until June. It’s quite a frenzy.

Returning to school for homeschoolers can be a bit more anti-climactic. They go from being at home to… still being at home. Well, except now they’re now doing schoolwork. Are you and your children feeling out of touch with school friends caught up in the “back to school” frenzy? Especially littles who don’t understand? They see all their young neighborhood friends or cousins excited about new backpacks, new school clothes, riding a bus with loads of other kids, and all the other things that come with returning to public school.

If so, why not give your kids something to get excited about?! Here are some fun ideas to infuse your back-to-school week with a little more excitement.

Plan a Field Trip

Plan a field trip together to kick off the school year. It can be themed according to what you are studying that semester (e.g., a trip to the Natural History Museum if you are studying biology or a Civil War battlefield if you’re doing American history). Or just something fun to do as a family to kiss the summer goodbye; it need not be much, it can be as simple as spending an afternoon picnicking in a beautiful spot in nature.

Start the Year Off With a Special Project

Remember in public school when some teachers would have a semester-project in their class rooms? For example, on the first day of school, there would be an aquarium with tadpoles, and the class would watch them slowly turn into frogs over the semester. Students would be responsible for feeding and cleaning the tank. Or maybe it was growing a class garden and watching it unfold over the months. You can do the same in your homeschool! Find a project you can begin that your kids can work on with you over the course of the semester.

Throw a “We’re Not Going to School” Party

So all your children’s friends are going back to school, and they’re not? So what? Embrace it. Throw a “We’re Not Going to School” party and invite all your homeschooling friends. Maybe Grandma and Grandpa would like to join you too. This is a great occasion to celebrate our homeschool weirdness and network with other homeschooling families. A party to start the school year can build bonds and help you make new connections. And make sure to invite new homeschooling families who might not be plugged into the local homeschool community yet.

Go Back-to-School Shopping Together

Even if your child doesn’t need a whole new wardrobe to look cool at school, there’s bound to be supplies they need for their new semester of studies. Get the family together and do a single back-to-school shopping trip for your supplies, crafts, and books. Gathering all these items together in a dedicated shopping trip builds anticipation about the beginning of the school year, like Christmas shopping in August. While children stocking up on notebooks and highlighters isn’t going to approach the excitement of Christmas, it still serves to make back-to-school time a little more special.

Work Out the Semester Calendar Together

I know some of you are probably saying, “What’s a semester calendar?” But for those of you who plan your semester out ahead, why not get your children involved with this, too? Besides giving them ownership in their own education, it lets them see all the exciting plans you have for the near future—co-op, museum visits, nature hikes, etc.


Even though your children may not be returning to a physical building for the new school year, there’s no reason this can’t be an exciting time!

What are your thoughts on this topic? To continue the discussion, join me and other homeschooling parents at our Homeschool Connections Community or our Facebook group!

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