
This is our catalog of courses. We will occasionally adjust the course listing to reflect the addition of new courses and the retirement of others. 

Recorded HS
Pandemic Diseases with Monica Breier

We all know — COVID-19 consumed our world over the past years. Here, you’ll learn all about bacteria and viruses, what it has to do with us and our everyday lives, and how pandemics impact history and our world today.

Total classes: 7

Prerequisite: High school biology is recommended but not required

Suggested grade level: 9th and above, advanced middle school students are welcome

Suggested credit: ¼ semester Science


Learn about some of the great and devastating diseases in history! Find out their molecular features, how they began and spread, and their impact on the world. Please note that this course will include a discussion on HIV/AIDS.


Monday 5/16: Introduction, definitions of disease

Tuesday 5/17: Basic biology of bacteria and viruses, differences

Wednesday 5/18: Bacterial pandemics

Thursday 5/19: Bacterial pandemics

Monday 5/23: Viral pandemics

Tuesday 5/24: Viral pandemics

Wednesday 5/25: Class discussion on impacts

Materials and Homework

Course materials: note-taking supplies. Everything else is provided free by the instructor.

Homework: Students will prepare a brief (less than 3-minute) summary on which pandemic they believe had the greatest impact and why to present during Thursday’s class.

Whether schooling one or many, Unlimited Access is the affordable way to have choices and give your students courses that fit exactly what you need.
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