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Sep 16, 2024

25 Homeschool Field Trips Ideas: The Ultimate Guide

Homeschool field trips don’t have to be limited to the usual places. Whether it's learning about local history at a courthouse, exploring behind the scenes at a bakery, or discovering how a water treatment plant works, the possibilities are endless.
More Recent Posts
Nov 02, 2016

To Copy or Not to Copy: That is the Question

The more my friend justified making the copy for me, the more I realized that it was wrong. When I got home, I threw the dubbed tape away.
Nov 01, 2016

New Report: Homeschooling in the United States

The National Center for Education Statistics has released a new report: Homeschooling in the United States: 2012.  The full report can be found at http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2016/2016096.pdf.  Although statistics on Catholic homeschoolers may be different, this is a good primer on the nation as a whole. Some highlights from the report: The percentage of students ages 5–17 […]
Oct 24, 2016

Why Should I Learn Spanish

  This article is an excerpt from the book Why Should I Learn This. To order click here: Paperback eBook   Why Should I Learn Spanish?  Irma Luz Schmitt    As our world has increasingly become interdependent, we can no longer afford to remain monolingual. Success depends in large part on the ability of an […]
Oct 17, 2016

Finding Math in Literature

I majored in applied mathematics in college, yet it wasn’t until I became a homeschooling mother that I discovered math in literature. I’d like to help you to also discover how you can introduce living books into your homeschool and take a break from the drill, drill, drill.
Oct 10, 2016

Dad’s Role in Your Homeschool

When I first began homeschooling, I had a grandiose vision of my husband coming home from work to sit down with our children (all perfectly tidy in matching outfits, of course) while I prepared a nutritious dinner in my dress, pumps, and pearls, and he would teach them about the great mysteries of life.
Oct 05, 2016

The Ultimate Gift Guide for Homeschool Moms

Following is a long, long list of ideas to get you started. Gifts range from free (scroll all the way down) to pricey. So no matter your budget you can do this. The only other thing you need is time and desire.
Oct 03, 2016

Do Homeschool Programs Need to Be Accredited?

Do I need to sign my children up for an accredited home study program? The answer depends upon the family’s individual dynamic. Here we’ll explore what accreditation is and when it is necessary.
Sep 30, 2016

The Educational Benefits of Reading Aloud

Research shows that homeschoolers score far above their public school peers on standardized tests. Analysts believe there are many reasons for this phenomenon.
Sep 28, 2016

Why Christians Should Read Tolkien

This article is an excerpt from the book Why Should I Learn This. To order click here: Paperback eBook   Why Should Christians Learn Tolkien?  Henry Russell, Ph.D.  J.R.R. Tolkien wrote to Father Robert Murray, SJ, “The Lord of the Rings is of course a fundamentally religious and Catholic work; unconsciously so at first, but consciously in […]
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