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Sep 17, 2024

Letters of Recommendation for Homeschoolers

Asking for letters of recommendation can seem like a big deal, but incorporating these tips can make it an easy experience!
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Nov 29, 2017

Top-10 Videos: History in a Minute

One year ago, Mr. Phillip Campbell had a fun idea, opened his iPhone, and started to film. And, as they say, the rest is history. Well, actually, the rest is History in a Minute.
Nov 29, 2017

How to Read Aloud: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

It sounds so easy: Spend ten to fifteen minutes a day reading to your children and change their lives drastically for the better. But, how do we go about it exactly?
Oct 30, 2017

The Lives of the Saints: History in a Minute [Videos]

Saint stories are not mere stories to entertain. They are not mere myths to teach lessons to. The saints were real, historical persons who affected world events.
Aug 12, 2017

Middle East Reading List for Catholic Homeschoolers

The Middle East is not only an interesting study, it's an important study. We've put together a reading list for you that includes fiction and nonfiction for students of multiple ages.
Aug 05, 2017

12 Classics to Read Before College

There are literally hundreds of classics which would feed our teens soul. Here's a short list to get you started.
Jun 29, 2017

Can I Be a WAHM and Homeschool?

As a homeschooler and full-time WAHM, I hope I can share my own experience to help other moms in the same boat.
Jun 28, 2017

Why Take Accounting in High School (Online Classes for Homeschoolers)

10 Reasons Why You Should Sign-up for Accounting By Peggy Morrow Visit www.homeschoolconnections.com     Whether or not you are interested in either an Accounting major in college or working in the field, following are 10 reasons why having a basic understanding of accounting will benefit you in life.   Helping you to discern God’s […]
Jun 26, 2017

Top-Ten: Why Learn Coding in High School (and … get college credit to boot)

Top-10 Reasons: Why You Should Sign-up for AP Computer Science Principles  By Margaret (Peggy) Morrow, Ph.D.   Homeschool Connections is offering a brand new AP-level Computer Science course in the upcoming school year. We hope you’ll consider joining us!  To Help You Discern God’s Will. According to Bishop Barron’s recent eBook, How to Discern God’s Will For […]
Dec 02, 2016

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