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Sep 06, 2024

Maximizing Flexibility: Benefits of Year-Round Homeschooling vs. Two-Semester Model

Homeschooling is all about customization. That includes setting a two-semester or year-round schedule. It's up to you!
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May 25, 2016

Top 10: Online Classes This Summer for Catholic Students

Top Ten List Using Unlimited Access for Summer Learning No matter where your children go to school in the fall and spring, you are welcomed to take classes with Homeschool Connections this summer. Whether you want your children to get a Catholic perspective in certain subjects, receive some remedial help in an area, or take […]
May 22, 2016

Why Should I Learn Punctuation & Grammar in High School?

Registration is open. Click here: Homeschool Connections Registration (Click on the semester and Writing, then click on Search.) Should high school student continue with punctuation and grammar studies? Yes! Too often, we consider such studies to be too basic for older students. However, punctuation and grammar is taught at a completely different level in the upper grades […]
May 20, 2016

Why Learn Creative Writing in High School?

If you haven't considered creative writing for high school, or if you have dismissed it outright, I challenge you to reconsider. Please hear me out as I make my case that creative writing is one of the most important studies your high school student could undertake:
May 18, 2016

Shopping Around for Online Schools

If you’re looking for online classes for your homeschool, there are a number of questions you should ask yourself first. Once you’ve answered those, there are questions to ask online course providers. Of course we believe Homeschool Connections is the best option available to parents. Hopefully, this list will help you in your decision process. […]
May 17, 2016

How to Succeed with Homeschool Online Classes, Part Two

  There are two types of online classes. First, there are recorded, independent-learning classes where students watch recorded lectures on their own schedule. Answer keys or grading services are provided. Second, there are live, interactive classes where students meet with the teacher and fellow students in real time in an online classroom. The teacher is […]
May 16, 2016

How to Succeed with Homeschool Online Classes, Part One

There are two types of online classes. First, there are recorded, independent-learning classes where students watch recorded lectures on their own schedule. Answer keys or grading services are usually provided. Second, there are live, interactive classes where students meet with the teacher and fellow students in real time in a virtual classroom. The teacher is […]
May 13, 2016

Why Learn ASL? A Top-10 List

  1. It is a beautiful language. There is more to American Sign Language than simply memorizing signs for words. It has it’s own set of grammatical rules and structures. If you’ve watched an interpreter at a concert or a church, remember how you were intrigued by the hand and body movements to communicate without […]
May 06, 2016

Why Should I Learn Physics?

    Top 10 reasons why you should learn physics. 10.   Physics Makes You a Problem Solver – When faced with a particular problem, students are taught to systematically identify all factors contributing to the problem and work out how those factors interact in order to solve the problem. 9.     Physics Teaches You to Think Outside the Box […]
May 04, 2016

48 Picture Books for the Well-Rounded Catholic Child

These are books that are already on my shelves. Books I shared with my own children. Books I cherish and will not part with.
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

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