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Mar 14, 2025
Homeschool Snack Hacks: 4 Genius Ways to Keep Kids Happy & Healthy
I love seeing my kids create snack plates (mini charcuterie boards) and help their little sister explore healthy food options!
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Mar 21, 2022
How to Earn High School Credit: Summer Online Classes
This is just another example of how you can take an eclectic approach to our online classes to make them work for your schedule. Mixing and matching a few summer courses can really add up; if you managed to take a semester's worth of courses every summer, you could graduate high school an entire semester early!
Mar 15, 2022
50 Books for the Boys and Men in Your Life
This list starts with the simple and moves to the complex. I begin with picture books for little boys and end with serious books for grown men. This is a list for littles, tweens, teens, and beyond.
Mar 14, 2022
For Teens: Why Homeschool in the Summer?
Resting and leisure are important parts of education, so we do not suggest you plow through the summer months without any sort of let up. If you do homeschool during the summer, I recommend homeschooling "light."
Mar 08, 2022
Literature: What Every Catholic Homeschool Teen Should Know
There is a very good reason for every Catholic to know the great works of literature—and that is because the great works of literature help us to know ourselves. This is the reason that we should learn the humanities - because the humanities teach us about humanity, both our own humanity and the humanity of our neighbours.
Mar 07, 2022
Summer Activities: Catholic Homeschooling
Time moves swiftly, and though it is still early in the Spring semester, summer break will be here before you know. That means it is not too early to start thinking about summer enrichment activities for your family and your Catholic homeschool.
Feb 28, 2022
Record Keeping for Eclectic Homeschoolers and Unschoolers
Back in the day when I first started homeschooling, most of us were eclectic homeschoolers or unschoolers. Catholic homeschooling was very unstructured with few resources available. There were few home study programs and little homeschool curriculum. Most of us lived at the library, relied on our homeschooling friends, and found educational value in everyday life.
Feb 21, 2022
Catholic Classical Homeschooling: Philosophy
What is philosophy exactly, and why should our students learn it? The study of philosophy not only teaches particular truths about life and the human person, but it inculcates students with a disposition of truth-seeking. The reflective person is not only one who knows, but who knows why and how they know.
Feb 15, 2022
The Pious Homeschool
Catholic homeschooling is about more than injecting Catholic content into your curriculum; it's about living the Catholic faith in your homeschool. How can we integrate the Catholic faith into our homeschool in a way that nourishes the heart, not just the head?
Feb 14, 2022
If You Love Little House, These Books Are For You
If you're like me and feel like you can't get enough of Little House On the Prairie, what do you do when you've finished the series? Of course, you can go back to the beginning and start rereading it (which I recommend). Or, you can give some of these books a try...
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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