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Homeschool Planning: Reviewing Last Year

20 Questions to Ask Before Planning Your Homeschool Year

Before beginning to plan the next school year, it’s important to first review the current year. Here is a form to help you reflect on your successes and failures: Reviewing Last Year (Word Docx)  (will download as a Word file). By honestly answering these questions, you can begin the process of making next school year your best year ever!

20 Homeschool Pre-Planning Questions

Here are 20 questions to ask yourself about this school year:

  • What were our greatest successes?
  • Where did we fail?
  • Am I happy with our homeschool “philosophy”?
  • What was our best homeschool day?
  • What was our worst homeschool day?
  • How was my time management?
  • What subjects were completed successfully?
  • What subjects are still uncompleted?
  • Does my husband have any concerns?
  • Do my children have any concerns?
  • How was discipline handled?
  • How was our home management?
  • How was our spiritual life intertwined into our homeschool?
  • What was each child’s greatest success? (List out each child.)
  • What social activities benefited our family and our homeschool the most?
  • Do any of my children have special needs or learning disabilities that needed to be addressed?
  • Did I experience burnout?
  • Did the children experience burnout?
  • Did we utilize local support?

And finally …


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