An Introduction to the Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas, Part One

The Philosophy and Apologetics of Beauty

Total classes: 6 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th Suggested credit: 1/2 semester of
 Philosophy or Theology. For a full semester credit, register for another philosophy or theology course. Description The last four popes have made explicit...
An Introduction to the Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas, Part One

The Great Philosophers: Meet Aristotle

Total classes: 12 Duration per class: 55 minutes Prerequisite: None Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade Suggested Credit: One full semester Philosophy or Greek Philosophy Description Aristotle is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest thinkers ever to live,...
An Introduction to the Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas, Part One

Meet Plato: Knowledge, Justice, and the Soul

Total classes: 8 Prerequisite: No prerequisites Suggested grade level: 9th and 12th grade Suggested credit: ½ semester Philosophy or Platonic Philosophy Description In this course, we will read through several of Plato’s dialogs, and we will explore his treatment of...
An Introduction to the Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas, Part One

Western Political Thought

Total classes: 12 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 11th to 12th grade, or advanced 10th Suggested credit: One full semester Western Political Thought. Follow with Political Science in the spring for a full year credit. Description St. Thomas Aquinas once...

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