MS Literature Odyssey: Reading the Classics with Critical Thinking, Part One

Short Stories and Tall Tales: Why Storytelling Matters

Total classes: 12 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 6th to 8th grades  Suggested credit: One full semester credit of Literature. Follow in the spring semester with the course The Power of Poetry for a full year credit of Literature.  Special notes: For a full...
MS Literature Odyssey: Reading the Classics with Critical Thinking, Part One

Heroic Animals: Fantasy Literature for Middle School

Total classes: 12 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 6th to 8th grade  Suggested credit: One full semester of Literature or Modern Literature. Follow in the spring semester with Of Mountains, Monsters, and Men: Tales That Influenced Tolkien and Lewis for a full...
MS Literature Odyssey: Reading the Classics with Critical Thinking, Part One

Poems Every Catholic Should Know

Total classes: 6 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th Suggested credit: 1/2 semester of Poetry or Literature. Precede with Anglo-Saxon England: Bede and Beowulf for a full semester credit. Special Notes: Also register for Anglo-Saxon England: Bede and...

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