Freebies & Resources
From open houses, to consulting, and more, these freebies and resources are all yours!
Open Houses
See what benefits you get at Homeschool Connections online
Ask questions and get answers about the courses that will fit to make your homeschool better
Scope & Sequence
A plan of what and when to teach specific subjects and courses
Based on interests, learning styles, and abilities, you can adjust your children’s scopes & sequences
See forms, with instructions, to create your own scope & sequence
Homeschool Help Videos
Growing list of videos and past conferences
Free Homeschool Forms
Transcript template and instructions
Recordkeeping and gradebook
Planning forms and instructions
Personalized Homeschool Coaching
If you need a helping hand and heart, then give Susie Lloyd a call.
Accountability Mentor
Need someone to help motivate your teen to be independent and get the most out of homeschooling?