
This is our catalog of courses. We will occasionally adjust the course listing to reflect the addition of new courses and the retirement of others. 

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Life Skills | Theology
Pro-Life Bootcamp

Are you passionate about the unborn and the pro-life movement but unsure how to defend your beliefs when talking to others who don’t agree? Are you nervous about speaking up because you’ve never talked to a pro-choice person? Are you headed to college soon and hesitant about how you face those who are passionately pro-abortion on campus? This class is for YOU to feel more comfortable defending the pro-life stance in this post-Roe world.

Total classes: 6

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 9th – 12th grade 

Suggested credit: ½ semester theology 


In this course, we will be discussing all of the common pro-abortion arguments and ways we can defend the pro-life stance. You will finish this course feeling much better prepared and equipped as you encounter coworkers or enter into college and start having discussions with people who oppose the pro-life movement. During the last class, you will have the opportunity to practice what you have learned in a debate with your classmates.


Class 1: Prolife History, What is Abortion, Basics of a Prolife Discussion
Class 2: What are the Unborn?
Class 3: My Body, My Choice
Class 4: What about Rape/Extreme Risk of Life to the Mother?
Class 5: Post-Roe Arguments; How to Get Involved in the Pro-life Movement
Class 6: Student Debate

Materials and Homework

Materials: All materials provided free by the instructor

Homework: There will be a quiz after each lesson and a student debate at the end of the course. Students will have to prepare their debate arguments ahead of time. Expect to spend approximately 30 minutes after each class on homework.

Important Dates

Class dates: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, July 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, and 31, 2024

Starting time: 10:00 AM Eastern (9:00 Central, 8:00 Mountain, 7:00 Pacific)

Choose from courses in all subject areas for your upper grade school, middle school, and high school student—taught by worldwide experts in Catholic education.
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