
This is our catalog of courses. We will occasionally adjust the course listing to reflect the addition of new courses and the retirement of others. 

Recorded HS
Mariology in Catholic Theology

Join “the Catholic Answers guy” — author and expert Tim Staples — and learn firsthand the sound, biblical foundation of Marian theology.

Total classes: 12

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th

Suggested credit: One full semester Apologetics or Theology


Join “the Catholic Answers guy” — author and expert Tim Staples — and learn firsthand the sound, biblical foundation of Marian theology.


Class #1: Theotokos: The Greatest of all Marian Titles

In this class we establish the truth of Mary as “Mother of God” and why this great gift to Mary is the “final cause” of all of Mary’s other gifts and prerogatives.

Homework: Read Introduction and Chapters 1 and 2 of Behold Your Mother. 2 hour preparation time.

Class #2: Consequences of the Rejection of Theotokos

In this class we take a look at heresies, both ancient and modern, that come as a result of missing the mark of Mary. From Nestorius in the fifth century to modern Protestant polemicists, bad Mariology inevitably leads to bad Theology and vice versa.

Homework: Read Chapters 3 through 5 of Behold Your Mother. 2-3 hours preparation time.

Class #3: What is the Immaculate Conception?

In this class we define the Immaculate Conception and show its roots in Scripture and in the Fathers of the Church.

Homework: Read Chapter 6 of Behold Your Mother. 1 hour preparation time. Turn in topic for your final paper.

Class #4: Answering Objections to the Immaculate Conception

In this class we answer the most common objections to the Immaculate Conception and demonstrate how objections can serve to deepen our understanding of the truth. Even the great minds of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Bernard of Clairvaux are included in the list of objectors.

Homework: Read Chapters 7 and 9 of Behold Your Mother. 2 hours preparation time.

Class #5: The Perpetual Virginity of Mary in Scripture and the Fathers of the Church

In this class we take a look of some of the biblical evidence for Mary’s perpetual virginity as well as the unanimity of belief among the Fathers of the Church.

Homework: Read Chapter 8 of Behold Your Mother. 1 hour preparation time.

Class #6: Does the Perpetual Virginity of Mary Really Matter?

Even among Catholics there is a common misconception that says the Perpetual Virginity of Mary doesn’t matter for our spiritual lives. In this class we demonstrate how its denial leads to making mincemeat of our Catholic Christian Faith.

Homework: Read chapter 10 of Behold Your Mother. 1 hour preparation time. Turn in outline for your final paper.

Class #7: The Assumption of Mary in Scripture

Many claim this dogma to be lacking when it comes to New Testament evidence. In this class we demonstrate the biblical evidence and find it to be quite compelling.

Homework: Read chapter 11 of Behold Your Mother. 1 hour preparation time.

Class #8: Answering Objections to the Assumption of Mary

Recent discoveries have rendered key claims against the Assumption made just 40 or 50 years ago to be outdated. We will examine the evidence for this as well as dispense with other of the most common objections to this great dogma.

Homework: Read chapter 12 of Behold Your Mother. 1 hour preparation time.

Class #9: Understanding God’s Plan of Salvation

In this class, we will give a thorough explication of God’s plan of salvation. One cannot understand Mary’s role in God’s plan of salvation until one understands God’s plan of salvation.

Homework: Read chapter 13 of Behold Your Mother. 1 hour preparation time. Turn in bibliography of final paper.

Class #10: Understanding Mary’s Role in God’s Plan of Salvation

In this class, we will take a look at how “Co-Redemptrix” and “Mediatrix of all Graces” reveal Mary’s role in God’s plan of salvation. In the process we will clear away misconceptions and theological errors and show their biblical foundation.

Homework: Read chapter 14 of Behold Your Mother. 1 hour preparation time.

Class #11: Mary as Queen in the Kingdom of God

In this class we present the compelling evidence from Scripture alone for Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth in the Kingdom of God.

Homework: Final paper.

Class #12: Mary’s Queenship and the Dignity of Christians

Mary’s great dignity reveals not only who God is and who Christ is, but who we are as Christians. In this class we will draw on Mary as Queen as well as some of her earlier titles we have discussed to see why this is so.

Materials and Homework

Course materials:

Required: Behold Your Mother: a Biblical and Historical Defense of the Marian Doctrines by Tim Staples, ISBN # 1938983912 (https://shop.catholic.com/behold-your-mother-a-biblical-and-historical-defense-of-the-marian-doctrines/)


Redemptoris Mater, by Pope St. John Paul II (http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_jp-ii_enc_25031987_redemptoris-mater.html)

The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, paragraphs 52-69, from the Documents of Vatican II. (http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_const_19641121_lumen-gentium_en.html)

Homework: Final paper required: students pick one of the four Marian dogmas and write a paper no more than 3,000 words explaining and defending that dogma. Fewer words are better. However, it must be thorough. They must choose from 1. Mother of God 2. Immaculate Conception 3. Perpetual Virginity or 4. The Assumption. Will receive bonus points if they quote from the recommended reading list or any other Church documents they may choose. Students must stay within these parameters.

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