
This is our catalog of courses. We will occasionally adjust the course listing to reflect the addition of new courses and the retirement of others. 

Recorded HS
Foreign Language | French
French 3 (Advanced French), Part Two

Continue your study in French and open up opportunities in travel, literary studies, business, learning other Romance languages, and more.

Total classes: 13

Prerequisite: French 3 (Advanced French), Part One. If desired, a quiz confirming abilities to understand and use the material taught in French 3, Part One will be available.

Suggested grade level: 10th to 12th grade

Suggested credit: One full semester Advanced French or Foreign Language


More than 220 million people speak French on all five continents. Therefore, the ability to speak French is an advantage on the international job market. It is a culture that has influenced the Western World, and the Americas, and it is a beautiful and fun language to learn. At this level, the student is ready to engage and use the language in basic conversations.

In Part Two, travels, passports/borders, airport and train stations, at how to ask for service/lodging at the hotel, going to the doctor, how to set a meeting in town, how to explain where you live, friendships, relationships, feelings, how to congratulate someone/console someone, professions, how to look for employment; negative expressions, comparing, interrogative/demonstrative/possessive/relative pronouns, si + imparfait, plus-que-parfait, future, conditional, and subjunctive verb tenses.

Projet de fin de session: présentez vos aspirations et ce que vous souhaitiez qu’il arrive pendant vos vacances d’été en utilisant le conditionel. This would be presented in a written and oral form to your tutor.


Week One: Unité 5 Les voyages!

Week Two: Unité 5 Partons en voyage

Week Three: Unité 6 Séjour en France: À l’hôtel

Week Four: Unité 6 Séjour en France: Services à l’hôtel

Week Five: Unité 7 La forme et la santé: Une visite médicale

Week Six: Unité 7 La forme et la santé: Accidents et soins dentaires

Week Seven: Unité 8 En ville: Un rendez-vous en ville

Week Eight: Unité 8 En ville: Comment expliquer ou on habite

Week Nine: Unité 8 partie 3: Le spectacle est dans la rue

Week Ten: Unité 9 Relations personnelles: Les amis, les copins et les relations personnelles

Week Eleven: Unité 9 Les relations personnelles: Les phases de la vie

Week Twelve: Unité 10 Vers la vie active: Études ou travail?

Week Thirteen: Unité 10 Vers la vie active: La vie professionnelle

Materials and Homework

Course Materials: McDougal Littell Discovering French Nouveau: Student Edition Level 3 2001 ISBN-13: 978-0618035069 (https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/discovering-french_rebecca-m-valette_dc-heath/444343/item/4099365/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw-pCVBhCFARIsAGMxhAfAaI7-HPvT_iFYl1kaxz_YVyLlDfrj_7ftoKLwHTLxEfUMHm6OC2QaAovGEALw_wcB#idiq=4099365&edition=2493019)

Homework: Learning a second language is demanding. Depending on your goals, a minimum of 30 minutes a day is recommended. To help the memorization of the vocabulary words and grammar rules, different exercises have been developed for this class. There are recordings for the vocabulary words, or the lesson of the week, the student can listen and repeat what he hears to develop his speech; quizzes on Moodle; and of course, the exercises from the Student Book. Quizlet sets can be developed for some supplemental help. Students will need a headset and the ability to record their homework for speech grading.

Whether schooling one or many, Unlimited Access is the affordable way to have choices and give your students courses that fit exactly what you need.
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