
This is our catalog of courses. We will occasionally adjust the course listing to reflect the addition of new courses and the retirement of others. 

Recorded HS
Art and Music
America’s Artistic Legacy, Part One

Join us for a journey through American history and culture through music, art, architecture, theater, dance, and literature — from the Native Americans to the immigrants of Ellis Island and today’s newest immigrants, learn how the arts express the essence of life in America.

Total classes: 12

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 8th to 12th

Suggested credit: 1 full semester Music & Art Appreciation, American Culture, or American History


This two-semester online course will take you on a journey through American history and culture through music, art, architecture, theater, dance, and literature. From the Puritans and Native Americans; through the founders and pioneers; to the immigrants of Ellis Island and today’s newest immigrants, Americans have used music, paintings, poetry, dance and architecture to express the essence of life in America.

This course features dozens of colorful video sequences filmed by Professor Carol on location across the country. It also includes commentary and instruction by many specialists, historians, museum directors, musical performers, artists, craftsmen, and specialists in the American religious experience. Each of the 24-course modules (over two semesters) includes approximately 1 hour of video instruction with extensive materials for additional instruction and exploration. The course spans the period from Native Americans and the earliest European Settlers through Jazz and Broadway.


Unit 1 – America Is Not Europe: Our Unique Heritage

Unit 2 – Our Puritan Heritage

Unit 3 – The Moravians

Unit 4 – Spanish Influences on Native America

Unit 5 – New France

Unit 6 – The Arts and Science of Philadelphia

Unit 7 – The Roots of American Hymnody

Unit 8 – Music in Chains

Unit 9 – Uniquely American: The Minstrel Show

Unit 10 – American Arts and Culture of the Mid 19th Century

Unit 11 – Our Kaleidoscopic 19th Century

Unit 12 – Tragedy, Adventure, and the Grand March

Materials and Homework

Course Materials:

The formal materials for this course are found strictly on within Dr. Reynolds’ website. Students of America’s Artistic Legacy must be registered on that site to have access to the lectures (one hour each) for each unit as well as the assignments, lists of terms, quizzes, etc.

The cost for this access is $9 per month. A code may be available for Homeschool Connections that allows a further discount for these materials. Contact the Homeschool Connections Office for this information.

In addition, a pre-recorded (live with HSC students) one-hour session is listed for each week’s material on the HSC Moodle Course Page/Syllabus

Unit Course Work:

First, “attend” (watch) the formal video class lecture (one hour long) for each unit/module as your first step. Think of this as “Going to Class.”

Complete the Assignment for that unit. Keep a notebook with terms, dates, personages, and principle ideas taken from each unit’s formal recorded video lectures and from the corresponding assignment.

At some time before, after, or during your work on each unit’s assignment, you will watch the pre-recorded HSC week live class.

Biweekly Quiz: Before moving further, take the quiz which covers two units (for example, the quiz for Units 1-2 should be taken before watching the video class lecture, doing assignments, or watching the pre-recorded HSC live session for Unit 3.)

Allow sufficient time for study and engagement per week: the video lecture for each unit (c. 1 hour’s worth of material) plus 2-4 hours for assignments, as well as the pre-recorded HSC weekly live session.

Whether schooling one or many, Unlimited Access is the affordable way to have choices and give your students courses that fit exactly what you need.
Other Courses to Explore

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