catholic homeschool grade school children

Unique Catholic Homeschool Grade School Program

With all the options out there for homeschooling your elementary-age children, why should you consider Homeschool Connections’ Grade School Unit Study Program?

Our Grade School Unit Study Program utilizes books, reading, lesson plans, hands-on activities and assignments, and weekly live class meetings. This allows you to homeschool your child across many subjects with a comprehensive plan. Based on family learning, you can homeschool one student or many students together. Subjects covered include literature, poetry, creative writing, science, Greek & Latin roots, art, saint studies, and geography.

You should consider the Grade School Program for your elementary-aged children for several reasons! For example:

“Flipped Classroom”

Our courses use the “flipped classroom” approach. This means parents and students engage in the learning activities first and then (once the learning activity is completed) meet with the teacher to discuss the learning. Classes meet one time per week for approximately 30 minutes. Students come together to learn new content, discuss ideas and observations, and then launch into their own at-home work for the week.

Also, a grade school student spends less than one hour on the computer per week per course (which includes the live class and other quizzes or tasks to complete during the week). This ensures that the Grade School Program supports homeschooling parents rather than replacing them as teachers.

Combines Classical and Charlotte Mason

Homeschool Connections’ Grade School courses launch from a classical education trajectory. While classical education focuses on the great literature of Western civilization, it is more than just its content. It is a method of education that values the study of original sources, memorization, and recitation. Our grade school program combines this with Charlotte Mason-style assignments (project-based discovery and learning). To learn more about the elements of a Charlotte Mason education, I suggest reviewing our article “A Charlotte Mason Primer.”

Parents Maintain Control of Grades

Tracking grades is optional. In our program, parents are the primary teachers of their students. Parents can choose to track a student’s grade or not because Homeschool Connections is a course provider, not a school that keeps records. In the Grade School Program classes, all quizzes can be retaken unlimited times to master content. 

Get All of the Siblings Involved at No Extra Cost!

All Grade School Program sessions support a “Learning Over the Shoulder” approach, so parents can have siblings watch the LIVE classes with the enrolled student and complete assignments as well. Although only enrolled students can submit assignments for teacher feedback, siblings can use the automated quizzes because our quizzes allow unlimited retakes.

If you’d like to learn more about Homeschool Connections’ Grade School Unit Study Program, we’re hosting a digital open house that provides a wealth of information on the program and answers common questions.

Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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