Theology Posts
Jun 13, 2023

What is Morality: Catholic Homeschooling

Catholic morality is utterly rooted in the reality of our relationship with God the Father in the person of the Word, his Son, nourished by the constant love and grace of the Holy Spirit.
Dec 20, 2022

St. Nicholas and Santa Claus

Jesus’ gifts of grace and salvation are not offered to only those who are good but to those in need. St. Nicholas, following in Jesus’ footsteps gave without “making a list and checking it twice.”
Sep 27, 2022

The Historical Reality of the Gospels

The reading of the Gospel is the centerpiece of the Church's Liturgy of the Word. The Catechism of the Catholic Church calls them "the heart of all the Scriptures" (CCC 125). These four books are so central to our religion that we frequently refer to the faith as simply "the Gospel."
Aug 27, 2013

Making Sense of Mary by Gary Michuta

UPDATE: Mr. Michute teaches a high school course on this book. It is currently available as a recorded, self-paced course through our Unlimited Access program. You can learn more here: Catholic Homeschooling. We invite you to call or email us if you have questions or need assistance: Homeschool Connections. Gary Michuta, Catholic apologist and HSC instructor, […]
Aug 25, 2012

Apologetics Reading List: Defending the Bible

Here is an excellent list of Catholic apologetics books for teens.

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