Theology Posts
May 16, 2024

The Sacraments in Action: Graphic Novel Review

One of the most notable shifts in American publishing over the last several years has been the rise of the graphic novel. Graphic novels have also begun to make a splash in the Catholic world.
Jan 23, 2024

Respect for Human Life

Respect Life. We see it all around us, often as a kind of slogan. The phrase appears on bumper stickers, billboards, march signs, and the like.
Jan 15, 2024

Why Theology is More Than a “Subject” with Mike Creavey

Yikes! From Dawkins’ perspective, theology is not something worth taking seriously enough to even include it as a worthwhile endeavor of human rational inquiry. I profoundly disagree with him.
Jul 03, 2023

On Freedom, Conscience, and Catholic Teaching

Freedom seems to be the ground on which many of us stand. We hear the word on the lips of believers and atheists, liberals and conservatives, men and women alike. But when we actually take a closer look, we come to find that freedom seems to mean radically different things to different people.
Jun 13, 2023

What is Morality: Catholic Homeschooling

Catholic morality is utterly rooted in the reality of our relationship with God the Father in the person of the Word, his Son, nourished by the constant love and grace of the Holy Spirit.
Dec 20, 2022

St. Nicholas and Santa Claus

Jesus’ gifts of grace and salvation are not offered to only those who are good but to those in need. St. Nicholas, following in Jesus’ footsteps gave without “making a list and checking it twice.”

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Good Counsel Careers

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