Summer Learning Posts
Mar 21, 2022
How to Earn High School Credit: Summer Online Classes
This is just another example of how you can take an eclectic approach to our online classes to make them work for your schedule. Mixing and matching a few summer courses can really add up; if you managed to take a semester's worth of courses every summer, you could graduate high school an entire semester early!
Mar 14, 2022
For Teens: Why Homeschool in the Summer?
Resting and leisure are important parts of education, so we do not suggest you plow through the summer months without any sort of let up. If you do homeschool during the summer, I recommend homeschooling "light."
Mar 07, 2022
Summer Activities: Catholic Homeschooling
Time moves swiftly, and though it is still early in the Spring semester, summer break will be here before you know. That means it is not too early to start thinking about summer enrichment activities for your family and your Catholic homeschool.
Oct 22, 2021
Real Life Learning and Catholic Homeschooling
Long ago, a homeschool friend drove across the country to a family event and returned to say she was terribly behind in school. I was puzzled. “But your kids saw the country! That’s school!”
Jun 09, 2021
Episode 86: Making Learning Fun & Natural Over the Summer
Summer vacation. Finally, the learning is done. Or is it? Everybody sure needs a break, but Maureen Wittmann is here to tell us that the learning can be incredibly fun and refreshing for the whole family. She’s here to tell us about Making Learning Fun & Natural Over the Summer! Find Maureen Wittmann at […]
Jun 23, 2020
Enjoying the Summer: Homeschool Style
During summer break, focusing on reading, learning, and creating have always brought us joy. These are, admittedly, things we do all year long, but in the summer, we enjoy them in a more relaxed way, often with ice cream!
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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