Reading Lists Posts
Feb 14, 2022

If You Love Little House, These Books Are For You

If you're like me and feel like you can't get enough of Little House On the Prairie, what do you do when you've finished the series? Of course, you can go back to the beginning and start rereading it (which I recommend). Or, you can give some of these books a try...
Jan 22, 2022

Catholic Philosophy Reading List for Beginners

You’re never too young or too old to delve into philosophy. Studying the subject, at any age, helps us to develop clear thinking and gives us the ability to scrutinize the small, as well as the big, details. It is key in searching out Truth and in growing closer to our Creator.
Jun 18, 2020

Bare Minimum Book List for High School

Here is my lamentably incomplete reading list for raising virtuous high schoolers in 100 (or so!) books.
Apr 15, 2020

Best Catholic Homeschool Reading Lists

I've spent the past 25 years exploring the world of books to find the best titles to share with my children and to share with you, my fellow homeschooler.
Jun 28, 2019

The Everyone Booklist

Last weekend I had the privilege and delight of speaking at the IHM NationalConference. In conversations with parents afterwards, I received many requests for book recommendations.
Aug 22, 2018

Botany Reading List for Homeschool Families

Botany is not only an interesting study, it's an important study. MacBeth Derham and Christine Hamilton, Homeschool Connections science instructors, have put together a reading list for you that includes fiction and nonfiction for students of multiple ages.

Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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