Liturgical Living Posts
Apr 10, 2023
The 50 Days of Easter – Rejoice!
Easter presents us with a tangible foretaste of the ultimate truth that God is the victor, and Heaven is the goal for which we must always aim.
Feb 27, 2023
How to Have a Meaningful Lent
May we all make this journey through the shadows with a thankful faith in the coming dawn we trust awaits us on Easter morning.
Dec 20, 2022
St. Nicholas and Santa Claus
Jesus’ gifts of grace and salvation are not offered to only those who are good but to those in need. St. Nicholas, following in Jesus’ footsteps gave without “making a list and checking it twice.”
Nov 07, 2022
Five Books for a Holy Advent
It is especially important for Catholics to have access to wholesome Advent resources to aid us in preparing our souls for the coming of the Lord.
Dec 15, 2021
Are you working too much at Christmas? Here’s how to let go.
Here is what I really want for Christmas - to honor Our Lord's birth, have fun with family and friends, and take a break from work. Let me guess - you want that too.
Nov 14, 2019
Homeschooling, Holidays, and Finding Peace
How do we avoid feeling overwhelmed by the holiday extra—and find the joy in the season?
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
Catholic Homeschool Classes Online
Homeschooling Saints Podcast
Good Counsel Careers
The Catholic Homeschool Conference
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