Instructors Posts
Aug 29, 2013
Race with the Devil by Joseph Pearce
He was a racist. He was a jailed revolutionary. Then something happened. Truth found its way into his cell. Truth found its way into his heart.
Aug 27, 2013
Making Sense of Mary by Gary Michuta
UPDATE: Mr. Michute teaches a high school course on this book. It is currently available as a recorded, self-paced course through our Unlimited Access program. You can learn more here: Catholic Homeschooling. We invite you to call or email us if you have questions or need assistance: Homeschool Connections. Gary Michuta, Catholic apologist and HSC instructor, […]
Apr 20, 2010
New Epic Fantasy for Young Adults
Phillip Campbell's new novel, Tale of Maneath, has been receiving rave reviews all over the Internet.
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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