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Sep 17, 2024

Letters of Recommendation for Homeschoolers

Asking for letters of recommendation can seem like a big deal, but incorporating these tips can make it an easy experience!
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Jun 09, 2021

Episode 86: Making Learning Fun & Natural Over the Summer

Summer vacation. Finally, the learning is done. Or is it? Everybody sure needs a break, but Maureen Wittmann is here to tell us that the learning can be incredibly fun and refreshing for the whole family. She’s here to tell us about Making Learning Fun & Natural Over the Summer! Find Maureen Wittmann at https://HomeschoolConnections.com […]
Jun 02, 2021

Episode 85: Homeschool Grads Discerning Vocations

Homeschool Grads Discerning Vocations
May 21, 2021

Episode 84: Choose the Best Math Curriculum for Your Child

One of the most overwhelming parts of being a new homeschooler is figuring out how to teach math at home. Each child learns in unique ways and—well, let’s face it—very few of us are confident teaching math to begin with. Veteran homeschooler and popular curriculum reviewer, Cathy Duffy, is here to help us to Choose […]
May 15, 2021

Life as a Junk Drawer: Homeschool Organization

Is your homeschool organization like a junk drawer? Is everything is unorganized? Everything useless? Nothing working? Here's easy help for you today!
May 11, 2021

Episode 83: Homeschooled Teen Entrepreneur

Episode 83: Homeschooled Teen Entrepreneur There’s a humorous stereotype of the homeschooled genius who masters calculus in the second grade, becomes a chess champion, or does the round of the talk shows to sell his new book because he’s just that precocious. Well… have we got a treat for you. The busy entrepreneur you’re about […]
May 05, 2021

Episode 82: Our House of the Sacred Heart

Episode 82: Our House of the Sacred Heart In our Catholic liturgical cycle, the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but Our Lord invites us to fully center the life of our family and our homeschool on this powerful devotion, all year long. Today’s guest, homeschooling mom, Annabelle Moseley, will […]
Apr 28, 2021

Episode 81: Unschooling: It’s Not What You Think!

 Episode 81: Unschooling: It’s Not What You Think!   When people hear the term, Unschooling, they very often experience a moment of confusion. How can you be a home educator, they wonder, if you’re not schooling? Veteran homeschooler Patrice Jennings is here to discuss a really fun topic: Unschooling: It’s Not What You Think! […]
Apr 21, 2021

Episode 80: Car Schooling: My Joyful Journey

Episode 80: Car Schooling: My Joyful Journey Homeschooling is often a movable feast of learning, with co-ops, field trips, and cultural experiences woven into the fabric of family life. But the family van can also be a place where learning happens in ways both natural and innovative. Today’s guest is Marine veteran and homeschooling veteran, […]
Apr 16, 2021

Know When to Put the School Year Aside: Catholic Homeschooling

All school year long we power through homeschooling. There is so much to do. It takes hard work and grit and most of all perseverance. But none of that is any good if you don’t have peace.
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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Homeschooling can seem daunting at first, but take it from us: The joy and freedom you gain from homeschooling far outweighs the challenges.

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