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Homeschool Connections Isn’t Just for Homeschoolers!

Did you know that Homeschool Connections’ courses aren’t just for homeschoolers? You don’t need to be a home educator to benefit from the multitude of courses available here. This is especially true for our recorded, independent-learning courses through our Unlimited Access program. You can sign up for a single course or unlimited courses for an affordable price! Conversely, some LIVE, interactive courses are available outside of the typical public school schedule.

Here are some ways that non-homeschooling families are currently utilizing Homeschool Connections:

Public School Families

It’s not uncommon for public school families to turn to Homeschool Connections to fill in gaps in their children’s public school educations. For example, some parents have their children take the occasional recorded course to get the Catholic perspective on a subject or piece of literature they’re studying in public school. Occasionally, they desire faith-based subjects that are unavailable in the public system. This can include Latin, Apologetics, Theology of the Body, and more.

Reclaiming Lost Credits

Sometimes, a child will fail a school subject despite everyone’s best efforts. Homeschool Connections is an excellent alternative to make up the credit when that happens. If your child failed a course at a site-based school, use a Homeschool Connections course as a self-paced course over the summer to reclaim the credit. Site-based schools will often count outside classes towards a student’s total credit time. They’ll likely require documentation that your child has completed the course. We’ve also had cases where schools provided a facilitator to oversee the student’s independent work. Unlimited Access can be a versatile tool for those situations when a student needs a do-over.

Preparing for the Fall Semester

Even if you are not a homeschooler, you can use Homeschool Connections’ recorded library or LIVE summer boot camps to help your children prepare to return to school in the fall. For example, if your student is starting Algebra at their site-based school, why not get her into our Preparing for Algebra Bootcamp? This will give her a hand up before she starts formal Algebra instruction. Or, maybe your student needs to stay fresh on a foreign language like Spanish or German, so you have them go through an HSC language class on recording during break to keep them freshened up.

Religious Education

Homeschool Connections offers many excellent offerings in theology, Sacred Scripture, and apologetics taught by top theologians. These courses can be utilized for religious education with parish permission. If you’re looking for an alternative to your parish’s religious education program due to scheduling issues or other reasons, take a look at Homeschool Connections’ theology catalog.


If you have a child who wants to take computer programming, fiction writing, spaceflight science, music theory, or other out-of-the-box subject not offered at your site-based school, Homeschool Connections can help. We offer a large number of high-interest courses that will help ignite a child’s love of learning.

College Prep

Finally, if you have a college-bound student, Homeschool Connections has many courses geared toward college preparation. We have various test prep courses, college writing and essay preparation courses, preparatory classes for college math and physics, career education classes for life after high school, and more. These courses can be an invaluable resource in your child’s preparation for college life.

Adult Education

It’s not uncommon for parents of HSC students to say, “I wish I had this kind of opportunity when I was a student!” Well, you might not have had the opportunity then, but you do now. If your family is signed up for Unlimited Access, anyone in the household can access the entire recorded catalog. Many parents watch our classes to educate themselves or binge-watch them as a family for educational recreation. We’ve even had professional authors take our recorded, self-paced writing courses to refine their work.


As you can see, Homeschool Connections isn’t just for homeschoolers—it’s a versatile educational resource that can benefit all types of families. Whether you’re looking to fill educational gaps, help your child reclaim lost credits, prepare them for the upcoming school year, or even enrich your own knowledge as an adult learner, Homeschool Connections has something to offer. With a wide range of courses available through Unlimited Access, you can tap into high-quality, faith-based education at your convenience. Explore the possibilities and take advantage of the flexibility Homeschool Connections provides!

What are your thoughts on this topic? I invite you to join me and other parents in our Homeschool Connections Community or our Facebook group to continue the discussion!

Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…

Catholic Homeschool Classes Online

Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Good Counsel Careers

The Catholic Homeschool Conference

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