Science and the Faith

Science and the Faith

Total classes: 8 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th Suggested credit: ½ semester credit Science or Theology  Description Doesn’t science contradict the claims of religion? What about evolution? What about the faith most people put in science...
Science and the Faith

Botany: The Study of Plant Life

Total classes: 8 Prerequisite: Basic science knowledge Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th Suggested credit: ⅔ semester of Botany or Science. Take Health Science in the spring for full credit (or see additional “course materials” below).  Description Not only is botany...
Science and the Faith

Spaceflight Operations and Related Sciences (SOARS), Part One

Total classes: 14 Duration: 55 minutes Prerequisite: All virtual astronauts should report for duty with their imaginations and a love for learning.  General familiarity with spacecraft and the related subject areas is a plus, but not required. >> Software...
Science and the Faith

Engineering and Design Labs

Total classes: Each lab is a separate lab, with 5 making up a semester of physical science. Students can choose 5 from the 10-12 offered. Prerequisite: Algebra 1 and 9th grade English Suggested grade level: 9th to 10th Suggested credit: 1 credit for 5 labs Description...

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