How to Battle Relativism, Nihilism, and Other Errors

How to Battle Relativism, Nihilism, and Other Errors

Total classes: 10 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th Suggested credit: ¾ semester Philosophy Description In this introductory course, we will examine some of the most common and persistent philosophical errors in the Western tradition. We will...
How to Battle Relativism, Nihilism, and Other Errors

Critical Thinking, Catholicism, and History

Total classes: 8 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade. Middle school students are welcome with adjustments to the assignments.  Suggested credit: 1/3 semester History, Philosophy, or Critical Thinking Description Modern sources of news and...
How to Battle Relativism, Nihilism, and Other Errors

Philosophy: Introduction to Early Modern Philosophy

Total classes: 12 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 11th to 12th Suggested credit: 1 full semester of philosophy Description The Early Modern period of philosophy has had a profound effect upon contemporary thought and life. Beginning with the intensely...
How to Battle Relativism, Nihilism, and Other Errors

Philosophy: Ethics

Total classes: 12 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 11th and 12th Suggested credit: 1 full semester Philosophy Description This is an introduction to moral philosophy using Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics as the primary text. Outline Class 1: Human...
How to Battle Relativism, Nihilism, and Other Errors

Thinking Well: Conscientious Critical Thinking, Part One

Total classes: 12 Prerequisite: None. However, students are highly encouraged to have completed Detecting Logical Fallacies, Parts One & Two prior to this course (also available through Unlimited Access). Suggested grade level: One full semester Formal Logic...

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