Homeschool Help Videos
Welcome to our growing list of videos which address so many issues facing homeschoolers today. Please click on any one of the links below to learn to begin enjoying more information on that topic!

2020 Refresh Conference Webinars
What’s Wrong With Education with Kevin O’Brien
Reimagining School with Paola Ciskanik
Mamma Theologica (Advice for Moms) with Dr. Stacy Trasancos
Keeping Your Family Safe Online with Patrick Cavanaugh
2019 Open House Webinars
2019 Inspire Conference
Staying on track with the family “Why” with Chantal Howard
The Theology of Home with Dr. Carrie Gress and Noelle Mering
The Slacker Guide to Homeschooling with Tami Kiser
Planning with the Temperament God Gave You with Jennifer Macintosh
Fun Activities to Help Integrate and Juggle Multiple Ages with Patti Maguire Armstrong
Seven Important Lessons your Marriage Teaches Your Children with Damon and Melanie Owens
2019 Preparing For College Series
How to prepare my student academically for college? with Tina Greathouse
What does my student need to get into college? (mobile friendly) with Vicky Kubicz
How do I pay for college? with Jody Peeler
2019 Refresh Conference
Passing the Torch, Favorite Tips (mobile friendly) with Mary Ellen Barrett
Raising Adults (Not Children) (mobile friendly) with Maureen Wittmann
Homeschooling is Hard; Burnout is Real with Jenny Bales
How Catholic Homeschooling can change the Culture with Ryan Topping, Ph.D.
Parenting and the Role of Guardian Angels in Family Life with Mike Aquilina
Anxiety and Burnout Help using Catholic-friendly Natural Remedies with Allison Ricciardi
2018 Inspire Conference
Stewarding the Gift of Time with Jennifer Mackintosh
Why you should, and how you can, teach your children the Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas with Dave Palmer
Turning your misery into ministry with Tony Agnesi
Without carrots or sticks with Bonnie Landry
Seasonal Homeschooling: Cultivating a Gentle, Grateful Year with Dawn Hanigan