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May 15, 2024 |
Homemaking, Marisol Rodero
Our guest today knows what it’s like to live in the high-pressure culture of perfectionism among Hispanic homeschooling moms. The delightful Marisol Rodero is back with us, and she would like to lovingly say, Hispanic Homeschool Moms—Relax!
Contact Marisol Rodero:
[email protected]
Marisol’s Online Homeschool Curriculum:
Curriculum review of Nobis Pacem:
Previous interview with Marisol about her Full Hispanic Catholic Homeschool Curriculum:
Messy Hospitality with Maureen Wittmann: https://homeschoolconnections.com/podcasts/messy-hospitality/
Thank you to the following contributors who made this podcast possible:
Our Sponsor is Homeschool Connections: Catholic Homeschool Classes Online
Homeschooling Saints theme music was composed by Taylor Kirkwood
Intro voice is Dave Palmer, radio personality and author of St. Thomas Aquinas for Everyone
Our host is Lisa Mladinich
Visit our Podcast page at Homeschooling Saints: Catholic Homeschool Podcast.
Also, make sure to check out our Catholic Homeschool Blog.
About our Host
Lisa Mladinich is a bestselling author and Professional Strengths Coach dedicated to two things: 1) helping Catholics live fully into God’s authentic call on their lives; and 2) harnessing their most powerful natural talents to accomplish their dreams. Lisa offers strengths-based coaching programs to individuals, families, leaders, ministries, and teams, via phone and Zoom. She also offers practical and inspirational webinars for catechists on teaching the Faith, and now includes online teaching techniques to help build community during times of social distancing. Lisa podcasts at Homeschooling Saints and has appeared on EWTN, CatholicTV, Sirius XM radio, Sacred Heart Radio, Relevant Radio, and many other Catholic networks. She is the owner of AmazingCatechists.com and speaks widely on holy strengths; authentic beauty and aging; her conversion; Mary as a role model; praying with children; Eucharistic friendships; God-centered and goal-based time management; and teaching the Catholic faith with lessons that stick. Her popular webinars for teen girls on discovering their authentic beauty can be found at Homeschool Connections Online. For more information about strengths coaching, webinars, or media appearances, make an appointment for a free inquiry call, here, or text: 631-760-1551.