Homeschooling Saints Podcast

This is a podcast created specifically for Catholic homeschooling parents. However, it is also enjoyed by non-homeschooling parents and non-Catholic parents — anyone whose home is centered on family life. We invite all to the table.

Our hope is to help you create a home environment that is joy-filled, conducive to learning, and points to God Almighty.

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Latest Episode

Sep 04, 2024

How to Get Started Homeschooling

Today’s guest is Jenny Bales, a leader and consultant in the Catholic homeschooling movement, here...
More Episodes
Jan 16, 2020

Talking With Kids About God’s Gift of Marriage and Sex

Are you nervous about having “the talk” with your children? Do you wonder if too...
Jan 08, 2020

Curing Mommy Overwhelm

As homeschoolers, we can get really overwhelmed. Self-doubts can wreak havoc on our peace of...
Jan 02, 2020

How Thriving in Faith and Fitness Benefits Your Homeschool

How often as a homeschooling mom or dad have you wished you were in better...
Dec 27, 2019

Homeschooling Your Special Needs Child

Homeschooling has become a haven for kids the traditional school system has failed in some...
Dec 18, 2019

The Unity of Faith and Science

We all know our kids should study their Catholic faith–and science–but how do we integrate...
Dec 11, 2019

How to Have a Merry Homeschool

Dictionary.com defines the word “merry” as meaning cheerful and lively. And in regard to seasons...
Nov 27, 2019

Keeping the JOY in Christmas

Ho, Ho, Ho. How’s your Christmas spirit so far? Have you ever wondered where the...
Nov 20, 2019

Science Increasingly Points to God

The secular world tries to claim it and hold it up as proof that religion...
Nov 13, 2019

Inexpensive Ways to Create Beauty in the Home

There’s a very good reason so many of us love the do-it-yourself programs on TV....

Ready to Get Started?

Homeschooling can seem daunting at first, but take it from us: The joy and freedom you gain from homeschooling far outweighs the challenges.

With flexible online classes, passionate instructors, and a supportive community at your back and cheering you on, there’s no limits to where your homeschooling journey can take your family!

Sign up today!

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