Homeschooling Saints Podcast

This is a podcast created specifically for Catholic homeschooling parents. However, it is also enjoyed by non-homeschooling parents and non-Catholic parents — anyone whose home is centered on family life. We invite all to the table.

Our hope is to help you create a home environment that is joy-filled, conducive to learning, and points to God Almighty.

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Latest Episode

Sep 04, 2024

How to Get Started Homeschooling

Today’s guest is Jenny Bales, a leader and consultant in the Catholic homeschooling movement, here...
More Episodes
Nov 17, 2021

Celebrate Advent AND Santa

Advent can go by in a stressed-out blur, leaving us exhausted by Christmas morning. But...
Nov 10, 2021

Good Music Really Matters

Many of us enroll our children in music programs because we want them to have...
Nov 03, 2021

Homeschooling Dad, Lawyer, and Mystery Author!

Homeschooling families are famous for producing precocious kids. But doesn’t it make perfect sense that...
Oct 27, 2021

Carrying Crosses and Embracing Joy

Some days, months, even years, it can feel like our crosses and just too heavy,...
Oct 13, 2021

DIY Retreats for Homeschooling Moms

It’s not uncommon for busy homeschooling moms to get in the habit of just pushing...
Oct 06, 2021

The Paradox of the Prayerful Mom

We can’t help it. We worry and we suffer because we love. Yet, in the...
Sep 29, 2021

Discovering God in the Outdoors

We homeschoolers love to carry field guides on our outdoor rambles, so we can revel...
Sep 22, 2021

A Smart Catholic Homeschool Dad

One of the positives of our unusual times is that a lot more working fathers...
Sep 15, 2021

The Perfect Catholic Marriage

We all feel the pressure to have a perfect Catholic marriage. Especially with our children...

Ready to Get Started?

Homeschooling can seem daunting at first, but take it from us: The joy and freedom you gain from homeschooling far outweighs the challenges.

With flexible online classes, passionate instructors, and a supportive community at your back and cheering you on, there’s no limits to where your homeschooling journey can take your family!

Sign up today!

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