Homeschooling Saints Podcast

This is a podcast created specifically for Catholic homeschooling parents. However, it is also enjoyed by non-homeschooling parents and non-Catholic parents — anyone whose home is centered on family life. We invite all to the table.

Our hope is to help you create a home environment that is joy-filled, conducive to learning, and points to God Almighty.

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Latest Episode

Sep 04, 2024

How to Get Started Homeschooling

Today’s guest is Jenny Bales, a leader and consultant in the Catholic homeschooling movement, here...
More Episodes
Aug 29, 2024

The Philosophy and Theology of Beauty

As Catholics, we have a particular appreciation for the significance and power of beauty: In...
May 29, 2024

The Aquinas Writing Advantage Program

My friends, if you are wondering where to find a truly great writing program for...
May 15, 2024

Hispanic Homeschool Moms—Relax!

Our guest today knows what it’s like to live in the high-pressure culture of perfectionism...
May 01, 2024

Juggling Language Arts—With Joy!

Today’s guest is Jenny Bales, a leader in the Catholic homeschooling movement and a veteran...
Apr 24, 2024

The Beauty of Mathematics!

Math can be a major challenge for parents and children, but our guest today, Matt...
Apr 17, 2024

Integrating Writing into Other Subjects

Not all of our kids will grow up to be professional writers, but the ability...
Apr 10, 2024

Dear God… Book Series for Children!

Don’t children ask the best questions? Well, today’s guest, homeschooling veteran, and author Patti Armstrong,...
Apr 03, 2024

Jane Austen’s Genius Guide to Life

Jane Austen is a perennial favorite of homeschool students and their parents because of great...
Mar 27, 2024

The Only Four Problems You’ll Ever Need to Solve

We are all overwhelmed with tasks and relationships, and all the many pressing needs before...
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Ready to Get Started?

Homeschooling can seem daunting at first, but take it from us: The joy and freedom you gain from homeschooling far outweighs the challenges.

With flexible online classes, passionate instructors, and a supportive community at your back and cheering you on, there’s no limits to where your homeschooling journey can take your family!

Sign up today!

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