The Drama of Socrates

The Drama of Socrates

Total classes: 8 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th Suggested credit: 1-semester Philosophy or Drama Description Plato wrote the most important works of philosophy in the ancient world. He presents his ideas as a series of dialogues between his...
Conversion of Mind and Heart

Conversion of Mind and Heart

Total classes: 13 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th Suggested credit: 1 full semester Literature, Theology, or Philosophy Description Conversion is at the center of Christ’s call to each of us. It is a lifelong process that begins when we turn...
American History and the Hit Musical Hamilton

American History and the Hit Musical Hamilton

Total classes: 12 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th Suggested credit: One full semester History, Drama, or English Description The Broadway musical Hamilton is groundbreaking, exciting, thrilling – and historically accurate! Using the musical...
Drama and the Human Spirit for High School with Kevin O’Brien

Drama and the Human Spirit for High School with Kevin O’Brien

Duration per class: 55 minutes Prerequisite: None Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade Suggested High School Credit: 1 full semester Literature or English Description This is the High School version of our popular class for Middle School Students. From its...
Conversion of Mind and Heart

Humor in Literature

Total classes: 6 Duration: 45 minutes per class Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 6th to 8th Grade Suggested credit: ½ semester Literature or English Description From light verse (funny poems) to the works of the American Humorists; from funny plays to...

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