Renaissance to Modern History for Middle School, Part One

Renaissance to Modern History for Middle School, Part One

Total classes: 14 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 7th to 9th Suggested credit: One full semester History, Church History, or World History Description The purpose of this course is to provide you with a knowledge and understanding of the history, ideas, and...
How to Pray

How to Pray

Total classes: 4 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 8th to 12th Suggested credit: 1/3 semester Theology. Combine with another theology course for full credit Description Often we approach prayer hoping for great communication with God, and then sit in silence,...
Renaissance to Modern History for Middle School, Part One

History of Medieval Science, Part Two

Total classes: 12 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th Suggested credit: One full semester Medieval History, History of Science, or Science Description As students learn about influencers who lived in Medieval times, we will explore their scientific...
Drawing with Art Theory

Drawing with Art Theory

Total classes: 8 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 8th-12th  Suggested credit: ½ semester Art Theory or Fine Arts Description Students will learn how to use the art techniques applied by the old masters, as well as more advanced techniques for a finished...

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