The Silmarillion

The Silmarillion

Total classes: 11 Duration of each class: ~55 minutes Prerequisite: The ability to enjoy reading the work Suggested grade level: 11th to 12th grade Suggested credit: One full semester Literature Description The Silmarillion presents Tolkien’s vast “myth” of the...
The Silmarillion

Dante’s Paradiso (Heaven) by Dante (Divine Comedy Series)

Total classes: 11 Prerequisite: Ability to read the book with some enjoyment Suggested grade level: 11th and 12th grade or college level Suggested credit: 1 full semester Classical Literature Description Dante Alighieri is the only “secular” author in praise of whom a...
The Silmarillion

Inferno (Hell) by Dante (Divine Comedy Series)

Total number of class meetings: 12 Duration of each class: ~55 minutes Prerequisite: Ability to enjoy reading the work Suggested grade level: 10th to 12th grade Suggested credit: One full semester Literature Description Dante Alighieri is the only “secular” author in...

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