Dispelling Historical Distortions Part Two: The Galileo Affair, Anti-Semitism in the Church, “Hitler’s Pope”

Middle School Beginning Apologetics

Total classes: 12 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 7th to 8th Suggested credit: One full semester Apologetics or Religion Description This course will provide the first steps into the field of apologetics. Students will learn how to spot faulty arguments, how...
Dispelling Historical Distortions Part Two: The Galileo Affair, Anti-Semitism in the Church, “Hitler’s Pope”

Introduction to the Theistic Apologetics

Total classes: 10 Prerequisite: Student should have completed an introductory course to Apologetics plus one high school level apologetics course or a course in formal logic or philosophy. Suggested grade level: 9th and up Suggested credit: 3/4 semester Apologetics or...

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