Christ and the Americas, Part One

Christ and the Americas, Part One

Total classes: 14 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade. Advanced middle school students are welcome (assignments can be adjusted for younger students) Description Using Anne Carroll’s Christ and the Americas as a framework and guide for...
Christ and the Americas, Part One

Christ the King, Lord of History, Part One

Total classes: 14 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 9th through 12th grade. (Note: Adjustments can be made to assignments in order to accommodate middle school students.) Suggested credit: One full semester European or World History Description Using Anne...
Christ and the Americas, Part One

Ancient Rome: Republic, Empire and Collapse

Total classes: 14 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: High School (Adjustments can be made to assignments in order to accommodate Middle School students.) Suggested credit: One full semester European History or World History or Ancient History Description...
Christ and the Americas, Part One

The American South: “To Live and Die in Dixie”

Total classes: 14 Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: High School (Adjustments can be made to assignments in order to accommodate Middle School students.) Suggested credit: One full semester American History Description The South has largely represented a...
Christ and the Americas, Part One

All Ye Lands: World History, Part Two

Total classes: 14 Duration: 55 minutes per class Prerequisite: None Suggested grade level: 6th to 8th grade. High school students are also welcome – adjustments can be made to assignments for older students. Suggested credit: One full semester World History or...

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