Why Should I Learn This? Posts
Aug 01, 2016

Top-5 List: Why Study Philosophy

If students are unfortunate enough to be taking poorly-done classes, philosophizing well in high school will help them to see those flaws and to correct them.
Jul 22, 2016

Why Should My Homeschooled Child Learn Philosophy in High School?

Note: Dr. Rioux is teaching ST. THOMAS ON THE HUMAN PERSON for Homeschool Connections in the Fall 2016 semester. Dr. Rioux also offers several outstanding philosophy and logic courses through our Unlimited Access program.    This article is an excerpt from the book Why Should I Learn This. To order click here: Paperback eBook   Why […]
Jul 11, 2016

Joseph Pearce and Why Shakespeare is Important in High School

In the final analysis, the right reason for learning Shakespeare is to learn the right reason that Shakespeare teaches! 
May 22, 2016

Why Should I Learn Punctuation & Grammar in High School?

Registration is open. Click here: Homeschool Connections Registration (Click on the semester and Writing, then click on Search.) Should high school student continue with punctuation and grammar studies? Yes! Too often, we consider such studies to be too basic for older students. However, punctuation and grammar is taught at a completely different level in the upper grades […]
May 20, 2016

Why Learn Creative Writing in High School?

If you haven't considered creative writing for high school, or if you have dismissed it outright, I challenge you to reconsider. Please hear me out as I make my case that creative writing is one of the most important studies your high school student could undertake:
May 13, 2016

Why Learn ASL? A Top-10 List

  1. It is a beautiful language. There is more to American Sign Language than simply memorizing signs for words. It has it’s own set of grammatical rules and structures. If you’ve watched an interpreter at a concert or a church, remember how you were intrigued by the hand and body movements to communicate without […]

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