Unschooling / Relaxed Homeschooling Posts
Sep 26, 2022
The Organized Unschooler
Unschooling simply means drawing on the child's own inherent curiosity to define the contours of their educational experience. It does not mean that education is unorganized.
Sep 12, 2022
Introduction to Unschooling
Instead of a curriculum imposed from without, unschooling focuses on learner-chosen activities as the primary vehicle of education.
May 23, 2022
Homeschoolish: Relaxed Homeschooling
Focus your strengths! You might not have the money to buy the latest box set curricula, but maybe you're darn good at finding quality resources in the library. Or maybe you're not very academically oriented yourself but you're great at crafting and creative projects. That's fantastic! Instead of working through a history book with your kids, do some historical-themed art projects. Work to your strengths.
Feb 28, 2022
Record Keeping for Eclectic Homeschoolers and Unschoolers
Back in the day when I first started homeschooling, most of us were eclectic homeschoolers or unschoolers. Catholic homeschooling was very unstructured with few resources available. There were few home study programs and little homeschool curriculum. Most of us lived at the library, relied on our homeschooling friends, and found educational value in everyday life.
Oct 22, 2021
Real Life Learning and Catholic Homeschooling
Long ago, a homeschool friend drove across the country to a family event and returned to say she was terribly behind in school. I was puzzled. “But your kids saw the country! That’s school!”
Apr 28, 2021
Episode 81: Unschooling: It’s Not What You Think!
Episode 81: Unschooling: It’s Not What You Think! When people hear the term, Unschooling, they very often experience a moment of confusion. How can you be a home educator, they wonder, if you’re not schooling? Veteran homeschooler Patrice Jennings is here to discuss a really fun topic: Unschooling: It’s Not What You Think! […]
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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