Spirituality Posts
Feb 27, 2023
How to Have a Meaningful Lent
May we all make this journey through the shadows with a thankful faith in the coming dawn we trust awaits us on Easter morning.
Jan 10, 2023
Catholic Homeschooling: Teaching Virtues
Part of educating children about the virtues is helping them understand what virtues are and learning to identify and recognize them. But since virtue is habitual action, it is not something that can merely be taught academically; virtue has to be exercised.
Dec 05, 2022
DIY Retreats for Catholic Homeschool Moms
Homeschooling takes a lot of energy! Even with the best laid plans and best curricula at your disposal, you're going to get tired. You're going to need to recharge.
Aug 03, 2022
What is Christ-Centered Homeschooling?
What does Christ centered homeschooling mean? What do we mean when we say we are Catholic homeschoolers? How does being a Catholic homeschooler differ than being a non-religious homeschooler? How do our obligations to God and the Church figure into the way we structure our homeschooling routine?
Feb 15, 2022
The Pious Homeschool
Catholic homeschooling is about more than injecting Catholic content into your curriculum; it's about living the Catholic faith in your homeschool. How can we integrate the Catholic faith into our homeschool in a way that nourishes the heart, not just the head?
Jun 02, 2021
Episode 85: Homeschool Grads Discerning Vocations
Homeschool Grads Discerning Vocations
Resources to help you in your Catholic homeschool…
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